Über mich
Hey, I´m Lukas and love traveling low budget. I enjoy meeting locals, get to know different cultures, food and languages. Very open minded for any kind of traveling and almost all kinds of human being (except fascist). Travelled a lot with friends or by myself, in a car or just by foot, with or without much money. Love to meet new people and to learn more about you and your experience, so hit me up :)
Meine TOP Urlaubsbilder
- Abenteuer
- Auto
- Backpacker
- Berge
- Boot/Schiff
- Bus/Bahn
- Camping
- Meer
- Motorrad
- Sprachreisen
- Urwald
- Weltreisen
- Wildnis
- Wohnmobil
Sports & Fun
- Beachball
- Bootfahren
- Canyoning
- Dschungel trekking
- Eisklettern
- Fliegen
- Fotografieren
- Hiking
- Kochen
- Meditation
- Motorradtouren
- Musik machen
- Nationalparks
- Paddeln
- Radfahren
- Rafting
- Reiten
- Safari
- Schwimmen
- Segeln
- Skaten
- Skifahren
- Skydiving
- Snowboarden
- Surfen
- Tanzen
- Tauchen
- Tennis
- Tieftauchen
- Traditionelle Feste/ Zeremonien
- Wandern
- Yoga